Well, it turns out that Tandra was told by 'a committee member' a little while ago that she "was not a suitable person to be a member.“
Apparently, Tandra has strength of conviction and is thus predisposed to walkout of any film /performance/whatever that she finds not to her taste. Like some for whom life is too short to suffer ordinary wine, for her, its too short by far to endure anything that bores, offends or disturbs. Life holds so many alternatives.
If some see the advice given Tandra as being arrogant, condescending, typical even, of a kind of blinkered worldview that needs challenging this is understandable. If they also see it as a reason for change that too is understandable.
Well, Tandra has not taken the advice offered her and has rejoined along with myself and we will be voting for change. We’ll see you at the AGM
Alan Vale
Cinematic Roulette Player
Thank you Alan. I too have rejoined and you’ve got me thinking, as I’m probably not a fit and proper person to be a member. In the break I’ve noticed that I have missed the bleakness and angst as I’ve engaged with SBS’s movie choices on a random basis. A little angst yes, lots of sexual innuendo, some bleakness but also some brightness. Quite a different game altogether.
I think I’ll go to the AGM this year if only for the sport but maybe there will also be change.
Cinematic Rouletter Too
It is so reassuring that Launceston turns out to be such a sophisticated place. To find that an organisation here is actually practicing cultural eugenics is very very impressive. Eugenics forever.
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