Well Harry since you are making your comment on a website we can safely assume that can get all the porn you need off your computer. So your proposition that “there is not much available in town” is to do with something else.
Now our guess is that your request is to do with exposing 200 plus people at a time to this kind of thing so as you can watch, and make value judgements about, who leaves, at what point they leave and who is there at the end.
You and a few others will most likely be there at the end feeling quite smug. Now all that might be a reason to show such stuff but there is always the risk that it would be about showing an uninteresting film to a few uninteresting, or even uninterested, people.
Let us see who votes for that kind of programming!
Welcome to a Launceston Film Society BLOG. However this BLOG is yet to be sanctioned by 'The Committee" but it is nonetheless sanctioned by a network of members.
The site is dedicated to ART FIRST and then to encouraging open conversations and critical exchanges relevant to cinema, cinema culture, and the moving image in all formats.
If you have something to say, say it here! Your comments will be published without fear or favour just so long as they are not libellous and downright rude. Why not test us to see how far we’ll let you go.
Mostly we are looking for critiques of films the society shows or firms you see anywhere. We are even looking for critiques of the critiques.
We are a decade into the 21st Century and we think that it is time to lift our game and get a little closer to the cutting edge – at least some of the time.
We know that most people come to LFS showings to be entertained but maybe not always. Tell us what you are looking for. This is your spot in CYBERspace to say what you think when you think it!
Here here!
It seems like it has been a millennium since the LFS AGM but somehow I am still interested in the voting numbers. Why? I couldn't tell you.
Perhaps the committee is not at all interested in my interest and intends to keep on treating us all like mushrooms.
Time will tell but I will see you at the movies.
Can we have a few more risque films please?
There's not much available in town and a special evening devoted to a more muscular form of horizontal adventures would be really popular.
Well Harry since you are making your comment on a website we can safely assume that can get all the porn you need off your computer. So your proposition that “there is not much available in town” is to do with something else.
Now our guess is that your request is to do with exposing 200 plus people at a time to this kind of thing so as you can watch, and make value judgements about, who leaves, at what point they leave and who is there at the end.
You and a few others will most likely be there at the end feeling quite smug. Now all that might be a reason to show such stuff but there is always the risk that it would be about showing an uninteresting film to a few uninteresting, or even uninterested, people.
Let us see who votes for that kind of programming!
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