Well, please no more of this boring stuff filmed in pretty landscapes, and Senlis' quaint and quirky streetscapes, that was Séraphine.
Maybe I am out of step. Maybe I’ve missed the point. Maybe I am just not an “interesting person.” The long and the short of it is that this movie was a waste of two hours. I stayed awake only because I did not want to be accused of being “uninteresting.” For much the same reason I didn’t leave the theatre.
The best bit about this movie is that it wasn’t some Hollywood blockbuster or other. But in a way, it was the worst thing as well. If it had been one of those, it would have been all right to walk out. You would get the "interesting" vote for that I suspect.
Thank goodness for mothers because they are needed to love ugly children. Blessed be the creators of pretty landscapes however. They save us a little boredom. And, heaven preserve us from those who aspire to be interesting people and who go out of their way looking for interesting movies to dish up to interesting people.
Len Meltien
This review is gross and uncalled for. My mother always told me that if you cannot say something good about someone then say nothing at all. That is very good advice.
Well Carl we publish here without fear or favour and when presented with this kind of comment we need to prove it. Unlike the "legal site" we will not shut the comments down either.
Gross as Len Meltien's contribution (review?) is, it was publishable because it was not libellous.
The challenge for you is to put up an alternative of your own: acidic, sickly sweet, insightful, whatever.
Over to you Carl, we look forward to your contribution.
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