Friday, January 29, 2010


Why did the LFS committee not present a budget for the current financial year? It is our money so we should be told how they plan to spend it.
Launceston Film Society Annual General Meeting


Peter said...

Our Money? Well not quite.

If you think about this so-called slush fund everyone keeps talking about, it has been accumulating over the years. Members who are no longer with us or whose membership has lapsed have contributed to this fund over time.

Then, it is not really OURS! Or at least not just ours!

What should be done with it? Firstly it should be spent very very carefully. Secondly, it should NOT be spent for the benefit of current members alone or on frivolous things or all at once.

Yes all this needs to be talked about! And there needs to be some accountability.

Like Oscar, I mostly want to go and see some good movies.

Oscar said...

Peter, these are wise comments! You are right, the money HAS been accumulating over many years. How come the current committee thinks it is OK for them to make decisions to spend it, without any consultation with - at the very least - the current membership? And the committe has not shown any members any signs of a PLAN - everything seems so "ad hoc" - it seems they just want to make a money grab, THEN perhaps think about what to spend it on. Surely good business practice would be to: (1) develop a plan (2) consult with members (3) review the plan in light of the members' opinions (4)come up with a budget to implement the plan (5)finalise a plan.

The Big Lebowski said...

Is there any truth in the rumour that our film society committee spent $1500 of Society funds on a dinner at the Black Cow ( Stillwater ) on Friday 11 December 2009?