- Guest Memberships – No that's an idea that hasn't gone way or lost any favour
- Committee Accountability – That idea just never goes away
- Membership Participation – Now that's an idea worth another look
- Prudent Budgeting – Another idea with multiple perspectives
- Standby memberships – The membership you have, with benefits, while you wait for a vacancy
- Associate memberships – The membership that lets you take up an empty seat at a showing after all members are seated plus other benefits
- A name change to reflect 21st C possibilities – Time to look again at who we are, what we want and more interestingly what new benefits are there and that might be available to us!
- A Launceston Short Film Festival – Just a kite for now – have your say!
- Some Project Sub-committees/working Groups – Put your hand up
If you have a kite to fly eMail it to lfs@7250 and it will be added to the list
Let's keep talking!
All Comments Welcomed
Launceston Film Society Annual General Meeting
Let's keep talking!
All Comments Welcomed
Launceston Film Society Annual General Meeting
A name change would be good!
How about "Launceston's Secret Film Society"
It works for me.
I really do think that we should look at the kinds of memberships the society offers. I have spoken to committee members about this in the past and all I got was a long list of reasons why it couldn’t be done.
I was not convinced then. I am still not convinced.
We need 50 people to attend the AGM for a quorum, according to the constitution. Tell your friends to come along and have their say.
Annual General Meeting
WHEN: Tue 23 February
WHERE: The Tram-sheds, Inveresk @ 7:00 pm
This year the AGM will not be held before a screening. This is to allow sufficient time to conduct the business of the AGM in a proper manner.
President’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Election of Officers for 2010
It is most important that as many members as possible are able attend the AGM. There have been important changes to the way the LFS is to run its business, and some important developments are foreshadowed for 2010.
Please make every effort to attend. Light refreshments will be served after the meeting.
Come along if for no other reason than getting your money’s worth in “LIGHT REFRESHMENTS.”
Privacy and identity security is increasingly an issue that organizations such as ours need to contend with. Firstly the committee is now privy to quite a bit of private information due to the smart card.
This information needs to be protected and stored securely. Most of all it must not be passed on to ANY third party under ANY circumstances.
So far I can see the LFS does not have a Privacy Policy and apparently, according to rumour, does not wish to have one or is unwilling to be bound by one.
The membership needs to know what safeguards are in place if any.
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