Vote for office bearers and committee members who RESPECT our membership and our constitution and who stand for TRANSPARENCY, CONSULTATION AND EQUALITY.
Make your vote count at the Annual General Meeting
7 pm Tuesday 23 Feb, Tramsheds, Inveresk
Vote for nominees who embrace the following principles:Financial Management which is creditable and which includes fiduciary responsibility. Who will when elected:
- immediately draw up an annual budget and present it to the membership.
- review the $100 membership fee, especially in the light of the current excessive surplus.
- ensure that no major expenditure is incurred before the members know about it and have a chance to comment.
Provide Clear and Open Communication and Membership Management.
This includes:
- the approachability and availability of members of the Committee at all screenings
- a review of the use of the 'smart card' .
- the development of a Privacy Policy to ensure that any personal information stored on the card cannot be misused.
- not contracting out to a third party the task of checking cards prior to admission, because this is a proper responsibility for the Committee.
- the re-introduction of the option for members to purchase a second card at full price so that they can invite guests as temporary members.
Vote for:
Tim Thorne – Vice President: Tim has been a member of the LFS since 1973. He was on the Committee for six years and President for three. He strongly believes that the Committee should consult with members before making major decisions, especially those involving expenditure, that a budget be presented to members at the beginning of each financial year, and that committee members should be more approachable. He will press for reviews of the recent fee increase and the 'smart card' and will ensure that there is a privacy policy regarding members' personal details which are stored on the card. His favourite movie is
Marius and Jeanette.
Max Vizard – Secretary: I originally developed an interest in film as art through the new cinema movements that emerged in Europe after WW2. I subsequently became a member of the LFS in the late 1970s and have remained so ever since, except for some time spent overseas. I have laughed, cried, been angry, bored and experienced a range of other emotions through the power of cinema, which has not only entertained but often shone the spotlight on injustices in the world. Up until recent developments, I have been happy to just be a member of the highly respected LFS, but have now decided to stand for election to ensure that the future direction of the LFS involves genuine accountability, consultation and agreement with the membership via proper processes as established in the constitution. I will respect and be guided by the traditions and values of the Association.
NOTE: Nominees and supporters DO NOT oppose the election of Peter Gillard as President or Kim Pridham as Treasurer
Dr Shirley Patton - Committee: Shirley has been a member of the Launceston Film Society for a decade and loves the diversity of films shown. In particular she enjoys contemporary set French films, period British dramas and, the exquisite cinematography of the Chinese films. She respects the establishment of the LFS as a community initiative, and sees as important the upholding of the communitarian principles of inclusion, consultation and egalitarianism - for the members by the members on a non-profit basis. Shirley's background is in social work, more recently in academia, but is now writing fulltime and currently working on her first novel.
Anne Layton-Bennett - Committee: Anne Layton-Bennett has been a Film Society member for 15 years, and has always enjoyed the informality, and community nature of the organisation. If elected she will work towards ensuring a clear, regular and open communication is maintained between committee and membership, and will also encourage members to become more involved in the films selected for possible screening, through the reintroduction of the 'film request form' in each issue of Newsreel. She counts
Brassed Off, Secrets and
Lies, Monsoon Wedding and
The Kite Runner as a few of the stand-out films seen in her time as an Film Society member.
Ald. Ian Norton - Committee: Along with my wife, I have been an avid LFS member for several years. During this time I have attended film nights with little thought of the administrative level. I must admit to being surprised at the level of unaccountability and decisions made by the committee. An increase in membership fees seems totally inappropriate given the surplus held by the LFS. My concerns re lack of accessibility to the committee and the need to reflect the wishes of its members are the driving factors for my applying for committee membership. Due diligence and accountability are the principles that must apply to value add to the LFS experience. On a personal note, I was Senior Preparator/Research Officer with the Queen Victoria Museum for 28 years. Now CEO of Reptile Rescue Incorporated, in my work with snakes I have been involved in the making of many documentaries. I am currently serving as Alderman on the Launceston City Council. Films that have impressed me include,
Carve Her Name With Pride, Zulu, Gallipoli, Schindler’s List to name a few.
Joy Elizabeth – Committee: I'm a poet, novelist, massage therapist and social activist, who loves good books, good movies and social justice. Except for a few breaks due to family commitments I’ve been a member of the Film Society for many years. Until recently LFS was a community based, membership driven group which charged only enough to enable the screening of a wide range of quality films each year. I would like our Society to return to being of and for the movie loving community. No fancy cards, no bells and whistles, or budget surplus. Just good movies and a membership rate that covers the costs, and that even students, pensioners and unemployed Launcestonians can afford. Among my favourite movies are
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, Rabbit-proof Fence and
The Untouchable Girls.
Pam Parsley - Committee: I have been a film buff since childhood, when I attended Moonah Picture Theatre from age 3 (sitting on the floor when it was scary & picking up the jaffas the boys rolled down)& am truly grateful for the opportunities that LFS offers to our community to see films which are otherwise unavailable. But LFS is not a commercial enterprise, it is a community organisation, its executive members are elected by & answerable to the membership. The major financial & administrative decisions that have been made by the committee without consultation are inappropriate and misguided.
These nominees are supported by the following LFS members among others: Caroline Ball (Life Member) John Ball. John Donnachy, Robyn Friend, Jeanette Gatenby, Roy Gatenby, Rebecca Gottschalk, Stan Gottschalk (Life Member), Gael Vizard (former President) Rodney O’Keefe (Life Member)
Make your vote count at the Annual General Meeting –
7 pm Tuesday 23 Feb, Tramsheds, Inveresk
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